
Analysis of the Real Estate Market of the Costa del Sol produced by RE/MAX Eralia

Would you like to know how many properties are sold every day in Marbella or Benahavis? Or in the rest of the villages of the Costa del Sol?
If the answer is yes, click on the following link for an in deep analysis of our real estate market. You will be surprised!
We wanted to shared this interesting information with all our friends and partners. We hope you like it!

The prices keep on going down!?

The tendency is not changing. The latest data published by the Spanish Ministry of Housing show that the prices keep on going down. Although information on Benahavis is not included because the population is lower than 25.000, we can use and compare the information for Marbella and Estepona. We could feel that those were going to be the results but I was not expecting such a reduction. We have commented many times the situation internally and with other collaborating agents: we feel a lack of confidence on the buyers -- they see a lot of properties looking for the missing bargain but when they do not find it, they think they should wait some more for the prices to go down even more or even when they find what they were looking for, they think they should reconsider the situation. It is not easy for us, lots of work for the same results but the only way to survive in this market situation is to keep on working hard in the most professional way. When you achieve that, the results arrive.

What is going to happen in the future? I do not know if anyone knows it but I think we will need a little bit more time for the market to stabilize. For the private sellers, the situation is not the best one and it is really complicated but things may, or not, get even worse if the banks are obliged to sell their properties to market values or even lower than that. A lot of things may affect a really sensible market so it is quite difficult to predict even the near future.